by Agnivesh-Administrator | Jun 20, 2018 | Public Utility-Latest Updates
This slide shows how the weight on the neck spine is inflicted in relation to the degree of bending of neck in using mobile phones.More the bending forward, greater the grade of weight on neck , burdening it. Heavy usage of mobile phones has its own share of...
by Agnivesh-Administrator | Jun 14, 2018 | Public Utility-Latest Updates
How much should one eat ? One should take the ‘right’ quantity of food always (all meal-times), since it is the quantity which helps maintain proper digestive power and not only the item/quality of food . The quantity of food to be taken depends on the gurutva...
by Agnivesh-Administrator | Jun 7, 2018 | Public Utility-Latest Updates
Is ice cream eating at the end of the meal harmful ? In a meal, which food should we ideally start with ? Narration of sequence of food intake based on rasa/ taste of food. Culinary which are heavy/ difficult to digest , unctous / greasy / oily and sweet tasting ,...
by Agnivesh-Administrator | Jun 6, 2018 | Public Utility-Latest Updates
The Art of Living Prajñā Yoga (Intuition Process) is a 2-day program introduced for kids and teenagers between 5-18 years of age. We all are born with a natural intuitive ability to perceive beyond our senses. This is especially visible in children whose minds are...
by Agnivesh-Administrator | Jun 6, 2018 | Public Utility-Latest Updates
From an Ayurvedic practitioners point of view, this is very useful chart to select the appropriate kind of fruits for pre-diabetics and diabetic patients. A color print of this slide helps as a ready-reckoner to make quick and safe...
by Agnivesh-Administrator | Jun 6, 2018 | Public Utility-Latest Updates
It is a study of 3416 patients all over India -the outcomes / findings of this study are crucial to the development of future medicine -personalized...
by Agnivesh-Administrator | Jun 1, 2018 | Public Utility-Latest Updates
When is Food to be consumed Food has to be consumed only when the hunger is prominent, stomach becomes clear, belching becomes clear, when faeces and urine are excreted,digestive power increases, the body becomes light and capable of perceiving the senses.In modern...
by Agnivesh-Administrator | May 26, 2018 | Public Utility-Latest Updates
1. Ideal quantity of food ? How much to eat ? Food should be predominantly in liquid form and ONLY till the point that one feels satiation. In normal heath conditions , if some one feels the stomach getting full / ”stretched” after consuming food , it...
by Agnivesh-Administrator | May 18, 2018 | Public Utility-Latest Updates
1. Identify the REAL hunger There is a difference between real hunger and presumed hunger . Intermittent eating is not advised. At least a gap of minimum 3 and maximum 6 hrs are usually maintained between meal times .Thirst for water is always important . Dehydration...